Holy Trinity Blueprint of Womb Healing

The Holy Trinity Blueprint of Womb Healing came to me after years of working with tens of thousands of clients and seeing how many womb healers out there in the world are missing these KEY aspects as they guide people into the womb space for both healing and empowerment. 

The Holy Trinity Blueprint of Womb Healing starts with the Emotional & Psychological aspects of the human experience, then moves into the Spiritual & Energetic, and completes with the Physical.  Healing, like you, is not linear. What if you thought of the journey as a spiral rather than a straight line. 

The Holy Trinity Blueprint is a map that will help you to remember the bigger picture. That you are more than the sum total of your mind, body, or experiences… you are something greater… you are a spirit in human form… You are Holy. 

This blueprint will ultimately help you in living the life you are dreaming for yourself and give you the tools needed to heal the places of dissonance or pain that are keeping you caught in separation, struggle, and suffering. 

The Holy Trinity Blueprint of Womb Healing is the map I use to work with my clients and students. Healing is complex and it’s important that you understand the process. Knowing where you are on the spiral of your healing journey and where you need to bring your attention in order to transmute, heal, and integrate is a total game changer. On the Wise Womb Medicine Path™, I guide people first through the Holy Trinity Blueprint of Womb Healing inside the Temple of the Womb Apprenticeship.

This is where you will walk through each of these aspects for your own healing, deepening your connection to yourself through a year of ceremony apprenticing with your womb as your inner oracle. To know yourself deeply is the first step to knowing where you are on the spiral of healing. 

Keep reading to learn more about each of these important aspects of the Holy Trinity Blueprint of Womb Healing. 

These KEY aspects are often missed by healers and those seeking healing. When you understand how healing really works, you are more empowered to actually heal the aspects of your experience that keep repeating the same patterns over and over again. 

The First Aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint is the 


Walking the Spiral… 

The Emotional & Psychological aspect is the most important element in the Holy Trinity Blueprint because it directly correlates to what manifests in the outer world, creating your unique experience of reality.

If you don’t have the tools to navigate this aspect of the human journey, you may experience repeating patterns of disharmony such as unresolved trauma triggers, wound matching, unhealthy habits, and toxic relationships, which can lead to frustration, exhaustion, and hopelessness. 

The Emotional & Psychological aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint teaches you how to discern whether resistance or chaos is showing up as a sign of misalignment, or if it's just energy that needs to be transformed.

You’ll learn the tools to recognize where you’re holding other people’s energy and influence in your body and have the skills to return to your true self. 

Through this aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint, you learn how to clear self-imposed limitations and outdated programs from your ancestors, the patriarchy, and society, all of which keep you caught in the cycles of suffering.

This aspect will teach you the key steps to listening to your inner navigational system. You’ll build a trusting relationship with yourself, giving you a foundational template for relating with everyone and everything in your experience here on Earth.

The Emotional & Psychological aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint will help you heal stored trauma in the body, as you meet what arises, to transmute the pain that has been neglected until now. 

It expands your capacity to ride the waves of your experiences with greater emotional intelligence, profoundly shifting how you relate both to yourself and the world around you. 

This aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint guides you home to your intuition, helping you to identify what is Truth vs your smaller self’s idea of truth (macrocosmic vs microcosmic)

Through rituals, ceremonies, journeys, meditations, transmissions, teachings, and self-reflection practices you will learn how to navigate the emotional and psychological landscapes with greater intelligence and ease. These tools will forever change how you digest your experiences of being a spirit in human form, empowering you to live a more aligned life. 

The Emotional & Psychological aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint of womb healing is governed by the water element. It is a key ingredient that is often missed by healers and practitioners, which can cause harm rather than create space for deep lasting healing.

The Second Aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint is the 


Taking what you have learned and embodied from the Emotional & Psychological aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint you now walk into the next phase of the spiral journey, the Spiritual & Energetic. This aspect holds the remembrance that you are a spirit in form having a human experience while living in a vibrational universe. 

Through this aspect you will learn how to nurture your womb, clear the space from past lovers, and reclaim its power. You will clarify your energy body and align with your greater remembered self to support your spiritual and emotional health.

In this aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint, you will activate your voice & begin to heal your nervous system, slowing down enough to allow the root of the pattern to arise. 

You will use sound and song to activate and clear what no longer belongs or serves you. This clears blocks held in the body and throat that stifle your voice and keep you from speaking your needs and your truth. 

The Spiritual & Energetic aspect is where you begin the process of activating the eight key ingredients to step into your Sovereignty. This aspect teaches you how to honor your sacred needs without overriding yourself or others with agendas. 

You will learn how to identify and honor your own boundaries to create more clarity in all areas of your life. This allows you to step into your own power in right relationship, instead of giving it over to others. 

Through rituals & ceremonies you’ll learn how to align yourself with the life you’re dreaming of while alchemizing the self-imposed limitations that keep you stuck in repeating cycles of struggle in order to access the flow of abundance to live the life you truly desire.

After walking through the Emotional & Psychological aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint you now have the tools to begin the process of clearing the residue of past lovers, traumatic experiences, and ancestral wounds that are held in your womb and body so you can be free to experience sacred, loving, reciprocal relationships. 

Through rituals, ceremonies, journeys, meditations, transmissions, teachings, and self-reflection practices you will learn how to navigate the spiritual & energetic landscapes with greater intelligence and ease. You will feel connected with this living web of creation, giving you a sense of belonging.

The Spiritual & Energetic aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint of Womb Healing is governed by the air element. It is a key ingredient that is often missed by healers and practitioners, which can cause harm rather than create space for deep lasting healing.

The Third and Final Aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint is the 


The Emotional & Spiritual aspects of the Holy Trinity Blueprint are often neglected. In order to tend to the physical form, you need to have the proper skillset to be able to navigate what may arise on the other levels of your lived experience as a spirit in form. 

The Physical aspect is where you anchor the energetic and spiritual aspects into your lived experience. The Holy Trinity Blueprint understands that the physical experience is valuable. 

The physical is inclusive of everything, it is your physical body, and it is also how you live: your home, your job, your habits, everything that is physical and tangible.

Instead of desiring to transcend the lived experience to try to get somewhere else, this aspect encourages you to implement and integrate the many facets that make up this human experience. And to then take that forward through action in your daily life. 

The desire to bypass the physical experience is the root of many of the issues we are facing as a collective community here on Earth. We have a tendency to override the Earth's clear messages in the same way we override our own physical needs. 

Through the Physical aspect of the Holy Trinity Blueprint, you will learn how to track your own natural rhythms and cycles as related to nature. This creates a more reciprocal relationship to nature and your own true nature. 

In this aspect, you will learn how to interpret the messages of your body and how to give yourself what you need in order to live a more aligned life. 

The Physical aspect is governed by the Earth Element and teaches you about the anatomy of the wandering womb, womb placement, and the sacred systems of flow that are KEYS to having a healthy cycle and a more loving relationship with your whole, holy self (emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, energetically, and physically).

These teachings empower you to tend to your womb space through self-applied Wise Womb Ceremonial Massage. This technique teaches you how to coax your womb into optimal position and tend to the holy body to heal common symptoms many womb carriers experience.  

Through rituals, ceremonies, self-reflection practices, self-applied Wise Womb Massage, breathing practices, journaling, meditations, and teachings you will align your physical life and body with the emotional and spiritual aspects of your lived experience creating a more holy and magical existence as a spirit in human form. 

If this lights you up, and you want to learn more click the link below.

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