Earth Oracle Arts

Cacao Ceremonial Immersion


This sacred retreat is exclusively available to those who have completed the Cacao Facilitator Initiation, and it promises to be a profound and enchanting experience.

Picture a week-long immersion, a journey of spirit and heart. A week where each day unfolds uniquely, attuned to the whispers of the land, the ancient wisdom of Cacao, and the magic that surrounds us. It's a dance of energies, guided by the Art of Listening.

Throughout this magical week, we will dive deep into the teachings, embrace moments of introspective solitude, engage in transformative partner work, come together in soulful group processes, and share our unique journeys. Each day holds activations that resonate with your very essence, and you'll receive potent transmissions to elevate your consciousness.

As each new day's light graces our presence, we shall commence with a sacred ritual—a Holy Sacrament with Cacao. With hearts open and spirits aligned, we embark on a journey woven with threads of wonder, magic, and profound healing ceremonies.

Our days are an exquisite tapestry of transformation, guided by the whispers of the sacred. Magic flows through every moment, like a shimmering river of light, inviting us to partake in deep rituals that connect us with the very essence of our souls.

The enchantment of this experience thrives in its ever-evolving nature, dancing in harmony with the mystical energies that grace our sacred path. Each day, a new chapter unfolds, a new layer of wisdom to be uncovered, and new realms of healing to explore.

Dates, Location & Price : TBD